Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Talma Gordon

The story that I thought was really interesting to read was the one about Talma Gordon. This story had so many twists and turns that really made me want to keep reading more. Talma was one of three children and when she was born, her mother died. One thing that I thought was interesting was that her father was going to leave most of his will to his son Johnny instead of his two daughters. Johnny was only a baby at the time and was younger than both Talma and her sister Jeanette. Then mysteriously Johnny was murdered and no one could figure out who killed him. Something that struck me was that a lot of people started to blame Talma for her brother’s murder. This was because they thought that she was mad that he was getting most of the money and then by killing him, that money would all go to her and her sister. This ended up going to trial and they tried to prosecute her for killing her brother with a knife. Fortunately there was not enough evidence and the case was dismissed. Later on, her sister mysteriously died. Then comes the twist in the whole story. The killer was actually Doctor Cameron. He confessed to all of the killings. He said that Mr. Gordon went to find treasure with Doctor Cameron’s father and Mr. Gordon ended up killing him. So Doctor Gordon swore that he would seek revenge. Maybe it is just me, but that story really stood out to me and was very intriguing to read.

1 comment:

  1. How was Mr. Gordon killed? I know it was by the doctor but how did the doctor do it?
