Thursday, January 28, 2010

Silent Racism

I found the reading we did from Silent Racism to be very interesting. I especially liked her "more racist" to "less racist" model to describe racism. I personally would never consider myself a racist person however I have occasionally had thoughts that were probably racist. I knew these thoughts were wrong, but they would come to me anyway. So using Trepagnier's model I would probably be somewhere be on the "less racist" things while still admitting that I am not perfect.
However, I do agree with what was being discussed at the end of class yesterday. In my opinion, some of the things that Trepagnier was calling racist could probably be described as stereotyping. I feel that these days stereotyping is a bigger problem than racism. Mostly because people are more willing to admit that racism is wrong. Even though I sort of disagree with how she classifies stuff, I do agree with the general theory behind what she is saying. I would also like to say that even though I agree with her theory I was not impressed with her research techniques. I do not think that you can use the results from discussion groups containing a grand total of 25 women as the base of a theory that encompasses the entire human population.

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