Thursday, February 25, 2010

Folk Tales

This week during class one topic that caught my attention would have to be the folk tales that were read in the beginning of the week. Folk tales which were stories made up by African Americans to tell to their children, always had a hidden message in between the lines of the words spoken to the child. This week for class we were given the chance to read some of the Brer rabbit tales which were full of trickery and cunning tactics. As i read this i was wondering to my self what was the signifigance of the trials the rabbit had put himself through and what did each animal in this passage represent? To me as I continued to read Brer Rabbit I was able to notice that he represented the African Americans of plantations all over. While the Brer Dog, Wolf, and Fox represented different plantation owners who were trying to capture this one slave. When looking at Brer rabbit from the context of my opinion the reason of the capturing of this rabbit seemed much more realistic.

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