Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's Class

Today's class discussion was very interesting to me. A lot of people brought up great points regarding women and their impact on a society as a whole. Every family has a different dynamic. A main thing that I wanted to talk about was how I feel as though society has lost view on the importance of a strong foundation and how that has impacted the success in today's economy and other aspects of society. Moving away from just the woman's role and more towards the family as a whole, values are learned by the next generation mainly through teachings from someone's parent or guardian. I think that success, as much as it is impossible, should not be focusing on income but more on the happiness and welfare of people. The success that people see comes from those values that people have been taught while growing up and that seems to be lost. Power today for the most part is based on the amount of money someone is making, not necessarily on how strong or responsible a person is. We are growing up in such a fast paced, money hungry country that people have really lost sight of individual welfare. No wonder the U.S. has greatest number of diagnosed depression and anxiety disorders in the world. Family and the values learned are what make people strong and teach them to achieve their goals. Today, at large being seen as "successful" is only if you have a job like a doctor or some other well paid employment - it's not being a good mother, father, or PERSON.

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