Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday's Discussion

Our class discussion on Wednesday was pretty interesting. I thought the discussion questions were really provoking, and they definitely kept my mind turning and twisting in new directions. When people were comparing anecdotes about people they know and their different standard ways of living in a family household, it made me think about my own family and the domesticity involved in running a home and a family altogether. Like what people were saying in class, values seem to be key here, because every family environment and division of roles depend on those particular values; it's subjective. I'm lucky that both my father and my mother have carried out their values in the way that they both have jobs that they aspired to immerse themselves in throughout their lives, and they both share domestic roles. If my mother worked later than my father, he would be the one cooking dinner. Thank God he's a good cook! :) Visa Versa. So I think it's pretty interesting how other people were saying that family or individual values played an important role in these different household environments. It's really evident when you look at families what they feel is important by the way their carry out their individual roles.

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